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First Impressions: Pink Parcel

About Aimee


I am a twenty-something, from England. I set this blog up for two reasons. The first being that I love to write, so much so I did a joint honours in it. Sometimes I get angry when I cannot structure into words what I want to say, but I am learning to accept this and take to the page (or screen) when I can. The other reason I chose to blog, aside from just wanting a place to ramble about music and makeup, is because too often I feel too much. I want to be able to have a place where I can draft something I am feeling, edit down the emo as much as I can, and publish it in the hopes someone else may feel something similar.

Aside from being either super emo or going through blocks where I don't write, you can expect to see some epic ramblings about music, Disney, holidays, makeup or general life struggles of a Millennial!

I hope you enjoy reading my content.


Aimee X

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